Our Company

The company Faby is a family business, managed in the 4th generation, always adapting to the realities of the changing market.

Our Altes Land - Tradition meets modernity


Our location is in the Alte Land, the largest contiguous fruit-growing area in Northern Europe. The region is characterized by fresh Elbe air and countless apple trees.


Sustainability is practiced throughout the entire value chain. Already during cultivation, we pay attention to water-efficient production through resource-saving drip irrigation.


Our complete cultivation areas in the Alte Land are planted with shrubs, flowering strips and shallow water zones to promote biodiversity.

Love for nature

High-quality fruit requires state-of-the-art cultivation methods. In this respect, we in the Alte Land have been careful for generations to always act in harmony with nature.

125 years Faby Frucht

1. Generation

The company was founded in 1898 by Peter Faby. At that time, the goods were mainly shipped by ship and by rail. Even at that time, a large part of the goods was sold to Bremen.

2. Generation

After World War II, Peter's son Rudolf took over the company. He drove to Bremen every day by truck to the wholesale market. Rudolf Faby then began to expand the customer base and also sold goods to the Ruhr area.

After the death of Rudolf Faby, his wife Adelheid and his daughter Margot continued the business.

3. Generation

From 1969, Rudolf's son Peter continued to run the business. Peter continuously expanded the business. New warehouses and sorting facilities were built and the truck fleet expanded. This meant that customers could now be supplied throughout Germany. The export of fruit to other European countries was also started.

4. Generation

After the millennium, the 4th generation joined the company. Today, the fruit wholesale is managed by Peter Faby and his sons Heiko and Jürgen.

Today, the wide range of customer requirements can be met with the help of the latest sorting and storage technology.

Open Positions

Are you looking for a secure job in a company that is close to nature and family? Then come and join us in the Faby team.

Certified quality at Faby Fruit Trading

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Faby Fruit Wholesale GmbH & Co. KG
Sandhörn 1, 21720 Steinkirchen
Faby Fruchtgroßhandel GmbH & Co. KG
Sandhörn 1, 21720 Steinkirchen
Copyright 2022 Faby Fruit Wholesale GmbH & Co. KG